Tuesday 24 April 2012

10 Most Tragic/Emotional TV Deaths

Recently, for some unknown reason, A lot of my current shows have not been airing on a regular basis; they seem to be taking a week hiatus after every episode and this has left me rather frustrated and has resulted me seeking my weekly TV fix through past shows or through reminiscing about past shows. For some odd reason, it led me to re-watch the 8th Season of 24, which was crafted rather brilliantly and I think a very suitable ending to what was one of the most phenomenal shows that was ever created. As I was watching 24, and witnessing all the deaths of major characters in the series, it got me thinking about majority of the TV deaths that have ignited an emotional response from me; and perhaps from other fans as well. 

It is for this reason I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of the 10 Most Tragic Deaths in Television, in my opinion. I must insist that I will only include deaths from shows that I have watched, and it is possible that I may miss some tragic deaths from shows I do not really follow. However, I have and do watch pretty much most of the shows worth watching and therefore believe that this list will be quite comprehensive. The list focuses on shows that started in the 2000s; and therefore will not include deaths from shows that started in the 90s including Buffy, Angel, Charmed etc...

10. Dr. Amber Volakis (House MD)
For All the Love we did not bear "Cut-throat bitch" when she joined House Md in the Fourth season; her relationship with Wilson, and the 2-hour finale that culminated in her death was definitely a touching moment that was quite moving. 
9. Edgar Stiles (24)
The lovable Geek who pretty much saved the day in Season 4, even after losing his mom to radiation poisoning. A hero in his own right who met his end in one of the most vile of manners- Nerve Gas poisoning. He was truly missed in subsequent seasons.
8. Mike Delfino (Desperate Housewives)
Perhaps the most undeserving character on desperate housewives to meet his end prematurely, leaving behind a loving wife and 8yr old son. His death was very emotional for fans of the show.
7. Nurse Lavern Roberts (Scrubs)
There will never be a comedy like scrubs- so funny yet so touching. Lavern brought us many laughs and her death was truly tragic particularly how the others in the hospital dealt with it.
6. Charlie Pace (Lost)
I was never particularly fond of Charlie when the show started; he was a selfish druggie who didnt offer much but his mouth. However, he grew as a character into someone caring and in the end gave up his own life to see that of the one he loved safe. 
5. Agent Renee Walker (24)
24 seemed to kill pretty much everyone Jack loved or cared for; except his daughter and Audrey Raines- who unfortunately suffered severe mental breakdown.. I was sure that after Jack had finally connected with Renee in the final season, that they would at the very least allow Jack that.. but in classic 24 fashion, they picked her off with a sniper which sent Jack into a spiral of rage like never seen on 24.
4. Rita Morgan (Dexter)
The Lasting Impact of the Trinity Killer. Rita, Mother of three, wife of Dexter, assassinated in a bath tub. Brutal, Gruesome and Tragic.
3. Juliet Burke (LOST)
Perhaps one of the most emotional scenes I've watched on Television, in the finale of season 5 of LOST. Sawyer hanging on to Juliet with tears in her eyes, as she professes her love to him over and over again knowing that it is inevitable that she will not hang on and will eventually fall to her death. I can still fill the jitters years later.
2. Jack Shephard (LOST)
Started with the opening of his eye, and ended with the closing of his eye. A truly fitting ending to the series, but left a mark that many till this day claim that LOST was the best show ever on television. I am one of those who agree with that claim!!
1. Lord Eddard Stark (Game of Thrones)
Truly a Man of Honour; beheaded at the behest of the Bastard King Joffrey... Oh How we miss you Lord Eddard Stark.

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