Monday 8 April 2013

G.O.T: Television Doesn't get Better!

Fellow readers,

Back again to give my two sense on the finest television has to offer, and man am I glad that Game of Thrones is back on the small screen. I think the 10 months of waiting for a new season is perhaps one of  the most painful and cruel things, we as fans are subjected to. In fact, I think the only thing that was more cruel was the APRIL FOOLS JOKE that Dinklage was going to be replaced as Tyrion!! FYI George R R Martin, HBO and Dinklage-- That was NOT FUNNY, JUST PLAIN CRUEL!

Anyway, Its back and that is what matters!! 2 episodes in, both of which felt like premieres due to the abundance of characters being introduced into the series and the inability to fit all their stories in one hour of storytelling- I'm very pleased with what we have so far. A lot of watchers of this series hope that every episode will be like 'Blackwater' or 'Baelor', and despite those being simply outstanding episodes, I am very much a fan of the episodes where the story proceeds without anything extravagant happening but we are still privy to remarkable character and story evolution, as well as phenomenal dialogue and wit which this show has become famous for.

As a reader of the books, I have noticed as we go into the later seasons (where the books are significantly longer), quite a bit is being left out in the story; however HBO, Beinoff and Weiss as well as R.R. Martin have done a remarkable job of transforming what they have selected and adapting it for television. I have even come across some opinion posts who think the story is better in the television as it weeds out some irrelevant literature, however I do not share that opinion. In fact, it would be my advice to anyone who watches this series- GET THE BOOKS. They are INCREDIBLE!!

Of course I am not going to divulge any details from the episodes, or give spoilers. This is not so much a review post, but a post welcoming back the series to the small screen. I really believe that this series could benefit from lengthening the episodes to 1hr30mins and having 15 episode seasons. HBO, David Beinoff, David Weiss- I HOPE YOU'RE LISTENING!! With all the characters, and diverse storylines that are being explored, at the end of each episode, there is always a feeling like you haven't gotten enough, particularly in comparison to the first 2 seasons.

That said, I think we are in for a treat! This in my opinion is still the BEST SERIES ON TELEVISION!!

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