Hey Readers,
Don't you love it when television becomes consistent, and your favourite shows airs weekly rather than take arbitrary breaks for 2 or sometimes 3 weeks?! I have truly enjoyed my last few weeks of viewing. Most of my favourite shows have aired weekly, and only a couple or so have taken the odd break. At this point however, it is the point in the season where most shows are trying to set up their big finishes in order to land renewal and therefore not much will be happening in most shows; in fact, most are airing 'filler episodes'.
That said, its that time to get on the ball with mid-season shows. They are either at the end i.e. white collar and suits, and thus are at their big finish, making them much more exciting to watch, or they are just starting and therefore need to grab your attention, again making them much more interesting to watch. I'm dedicating this post to a brilliant new season on Fox called "THE FOLLOWING".
Now, Just to put it out there, I'm not a big fan of Fox Tv. Most of its comedies are stale, and drama is also not doing too well. In fact, until 'The Following', i think the only shows I watch on Fox are Touch and American Dad. They did air one of my greatest shows, 24 and Fringe, but are responsible for purging what could have been the greatest ever tv series in Firefly! So, its clear I have a very love-hate relationship with that network.

Anyway, The Following! I don't want to give too much, especially since its only in its 5th episode. However, It is so awesome. When I watched the trailer for the series last year, I got the impression it would be a serial killer series where the Feds are on the hunt of a psychopathic yet charasimatic serial killer on the loose. Well, I was wrong in a manner of speaking, and it evolved to be something much more exciting. The show is full of suspense and a certain darkness that makes every episode seem like an intense thriller movie that may just venture slightly into the horror genre. If you really want to know what the series is about, look to the title for some deeper insight, and get on that pilot asap!! Beyond that, i'm not adding anything. It is for your benefit, Trust me!
Lastly, The Acting is great, most characters do an awesome job. I mean, KEVIN BACON needs no introduction- he is a movie legend. Natalie Zea has been all over television i.e Dirty Sexy Money, Justified... and relatively newcomer Annie Parisse is very talented. I especially enjoyed her guest starring role on Person of Interest, which is one of my favourite shows currently on air. So trust me, your next series to try should be THE FOLLOWING!
Rating so far: 9/10
p.s: it may help to know or google who this man is for further insight-
Fellow Readers,
How Glad are we all that Kevin spacey has finally decided to grace the small screen with his presence?! This man is one of the most phenomenal actors in history, and his role in House of Cards only continues to vindicate how excellent he really is.

When I first heard about this series last year, I was very excited for 2 reasons. The first being that Kevin Spacey was the lead actor, and second that it was a political drama. As far as Political Dramas go, perhaps the most engaging prior to this was The West Wing which was actually quite entertaining and engaging in its own manner. Scandal falls short particularly with its particular brand of overacting and exaggerated drama. House of Cards is top notch political drama, utilizing very well the dark arts that plague the political world i.e. blackmail, dishonesty and ruthlessness. The plot is deeply entrenched into the American Political system and simply does not flap around in the shallow end. It offers insight into how the Congressional system works, and how party politics plays a role in overall American Leadership, and does so in an engaging and interesting manner.
I don't want to give too much away, especially because the series is so new, and several people may not have had a chance to watch the show yet. Look forward to brilliant acting. Kevin Spacey stands out ahead of all others in this show, and emerges as an Impressive Southern Politician from South Carolina whose ambitions lead him down a 'not so clean path' in order to achieve what he believes he is entitled to. He is calculating and convincing- I mean, even his accent sounds completely authentic, so much so that you are warped into his world and the players in it.

That said, the supporting cast is also phenomenal. His wife played by Robin Wright is excellent, and his perfect match. She is distant, yet caring; cold yet passionate. The characters closest to Spacey i.e Robin Wright and his chief of staff played by Michael Kelley(Person of Interest) are both portrayed exceptionally well. The saying "birds of a feather flock together" is definitely validated in this script. Kate Mara and Corey Stroll i.e Journalist and whipping boy, both played to perfection as well. It is truly hard to fault the casting in this show, and even if you were determined to do so, only the more minor characters would be mentioned.

Due to the beauty of the Netflix system where the entire series is released in one action, I finished the entire series in 2 days. I hardly took a break from the series as it was gripping throughout. Believe me when I tell you, watch it! There's so much I want to add, but I despise giving spoilers as much as I do receiving them, therefore JUST WATCH IT!
Rating: 8.8 out of 10