Thursday 24 January 2013

Previously on Fringe...

Readers, Sorry for the silence. With the December period usually so quiet and devoid of shows, I'm afraid there wasn't much to discuss, and I am now only just getting back to the groove and catching up with all my favourite shows, which I am sure I have mentioned in several of my previous posts...

Today, I'd like to dedicate this entry to one of the most brilliant shows that has ever aired on Television: FRINGE. In fact I cannot believe that the show is over and we'll never again here the words: "Previously on Fringe"...My, Oh My, what a roller coaster it has been. From strange scientific crime, to alternate universes to observers, and invaders.. this show explored pretty much every realm of science in one of the most captivating methods known to television and has been a delight to watch since the 2 hour pilot aired 5 years ago.

Any Television Enthusiast who has made the very unwise decision not to watch this show should seriously reconsider that position. Granted in the earlier seasons, I wasn't very convinced by the lead actress' performance i.e that of Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham, but with every season she got better especially in the latter stages of season 2. That said, the show was carried for most of the early seasons by Peter and Walter Bishop, who are both extremely talented actors in their own right, and it'll be interesting to see what projects they undertake after Fringe.

In fact, If I may add, I believe it is one of the biggest travesty's of justice that John noble a.k.a Walter Bishop has been overlooked for an Emmy Award, or even a nomination. He is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant and convincing actors on any show I have endeavoured to watch, and believe me when I say, that he's acting alone is enough for you to get into the show; much like that of Robert Carlisle in Once Upon a Time.

The Fringe Finale was absolute class, and in my opinion was classic J.J Abrams. In fact in some ways, it gives validation to the LOST ending a few years back. Shows shrouded in scientific mystery, inevitably prove to be about the people, the characters, humanity.. always, and if done right like both this brilliant shows, it makes for spectacular television. The Fringe Finale was epic, emotional, brilliant as in re-introduced some characters from prior seasons and tied the entire thing together. Some were skeptical about this invader plot-line, but from the start I have always been impressed with what they came up with, and with every episode, the storyline became more gripping. The Hero and the Villain; the classic dynamic for any story nearing its end.. What a Show..

I would have given detail into the plot and the final episode of the season, however I'd encourage all to watch it and enjoy it.. and If you're just starting the series, well you're in for a treat!!

RATING: 9/10

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